Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Exotic Animal Presentation

This is their kangaroo joey. His name is Brody. Adult kangaroos can just 10 feet in the air!

This is one of the their snakes. It is a python. It squeezes its prey. 

This is one of their armadillos he is two years old. His name is Pickle. They roll up in a ball to protect themselves. They have a hard armor on the outside of their skin. 

This is their tortoise Daisy. She can run up to ten miles an hour at a full sprint. 

This their lizard. It is a bearded dragon. He likes to eat crickets and meal worms. 

Thank you Barn Hill Preserve!

BY:Maverick & Ameila
Pictures: Audrey

Friday, September 18, 2015

Dress Like A Pirate Day

Today was Talk Like a Pirate Day! We dressed up in our best pirate costumes. The Lytle Football team came to our school. We sang our school song in honor of our Football players.

Here are some of our best looking pirates.  Mrs.Littleton is the best looking. :)

By Amelia & Maverick
Pictures By:Audrey 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our double bubble diagram

Today we were working on our diagram on two stories A Beautiful Feast for a Big King Cat & The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The diagram was to see what was different and what was the same. We were comparing the stories.
  By:Maverick& Amelia
Picters By:Audrey

Passion for reading time

Outside working on passion for reading.
 Reading A Series of Unforortunate Events.
   Having a Blast at Lytle elementary.
By:Amelia & Maverick

Friday, September 4, 2015

Go Noodle

We are using a great website for brain breaks this year called Go Noodle. We get to pick our own avatar for our class and choose different stretching, track, dancing and calming activities. 

Stretching before the big race. 

Running the 400 meter hurdles. 

Can't Wait For Clubs!

This week we got to check out different clubs around the school.

Dance Club

Friendship Bracelets

Duct Tape Club

Clubs start Tuesday! We can't wait!