Friday, March 27, 2015

Gardens Galore!

This week, we planted a garden. We will make recipes and sell them at the Farmer's Market in May. We will harvest the vegetables we planted once they are grown. We planted pickles, carrots, bell peppers, different kinds of squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, radishes and black eyed peas. Each group planted something different. 

We did an experment with different types of soil to see which soil could hold the most water. 
We used potting soil, clay, sand, and rocks. After we did our experiment we did our succulent garden. The succulent garden gets watered only on the top layer.  The water will flow through each level until it reaches the plants on the bottom.

By: Sierra and Anneliese

Thursday, March 19, 2015

We've got talent!

Today, The Almost Patsy Cline Trio came to our school.  They played us different songs from the military and about the United States.  We sang Grand Ole Flag and God Bless America.  They also taught us what the Pledge of Allegiance means.

After all of the patriotic songs, we learned how to do the twist!
Brandon M. and Brandon F. can teach us a thing or two about how to move and groove! Check it out...

Friday, March 6, 2015

South Texas Heritage Exhibit-Witte Museum Field Trip

We had a great time at the Witte.  The presentations were wonderful and we learned a lot about early Texas settlers!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Public Schools Week Picnic

We had a picnic and we invited the parents. We ate inside because it was cold outside. Parents ate all around the school with their  kids. The students got to eat with their friends and teachers. They got to bring their lunch from home. The parents got to eat popcorn with our principal Mr.Piles and talk about what is going on at the school. We sold spirit sticks that said lucky charms for a $1.00 and they sold rings for $5.00. 

By : Sierra and Anneliese

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Read Across America Day!

Today teachers dressed up as their favorite book characters. Captain America, The Princess and the Pea, Fern from Charlotte's Web, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, ad Ace Lacewing: Bug Detective.