Friday, February 27, 2015

The Iditarod

This week we began learning about the Iditarod.  We read a book about a musher and his dogs.

Mrs. Priitchard's cousin brought in her Siberian Husky which is atype of dog that is used in the Iditarod mushing race.  We aalso talked about how the animal's adaptations, like his thick fur, large paws, big muscles on his front legs, and his pointed ears help him be a great dog to pull the sleds in Alaska.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Activities

Today we made stories with valentine heart candy.  We used the words on the hearts to write a story.  Here is Mrs. Littleton's example.

We also used the candy hearts to practice math skills like perimeter and area, measurement, fractions, and dot plots.

And decorated bags for our valentines exchange...

Aquaponics at the Jr. High

Thank you to Mr. McConathy and the Jr. High students for showing us thier raised bed gardens and their aquapoinc tanks for growing vegetables.  Now we have some ideas for our garden we will plant in March!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Jigsaw with Soil

Today we tried a new way of learning.  It is called jigsaw.  Each group got an article to read from a newspaper about soil.  Things we learned were what is in soil, how rocks become soil, soil conservation, hydroponic growing, and crop rotation.  After reading the stories each group wrote down what they learned and presented to the class.  This was much more fun than reading all of the stories by ourselves!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Rodeo Day!

Today we had a howdy day with cowgirls and cowboys. In the morning, we had rotations of presenters.  Some of the presenters included square dancers, leathermaking, dairy cow milking, students who participated in ag mechanics and stock show, and custom designers with welding. 

In the afternoon we had many activities we could attend like putting a friend in jail, singing karoke, face painting, sheep herding with balloons, making western vests, belt buckles, and bolo ties.